April: Halley's Comet returns.
May 6: George V becomes King of the United Kingdom and the British Dominions
March 25: Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire in New York City results in the deaths of 146 workers and leads to sweeping workplace safety reforms.
February 12: End of the Chinese Empire. Republic of China established.
October 8: The First Balkan War begins.
Banana Wars: United States occupation of Nicaragua begins.
March 4: Woodrow Wilson is inaugurated as President of the United States.
June – August: Second Balkan War.
June 28: Gavrilo Princip assassinates Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria in Sarajevo, triggering the start of World War I that day.
August 15: Panama Canal opens.
May 7: Sinking of the RMS Lusitania.
July 28: In the Banana Wars, the United States occupation of Haiti begins.
February – December: Battle of Verdun.
April 24–30: Easter Rising in Ireland.
March 8: Russian Revolution ends the Russian Empire;
April 6: USA joins the Entente for the last 17 months of World War I.
January 22: Ukraine declares independence from Russia.
February: Beginning of the Spanish flu pandemic, which lasts until April 1920 and kills tens of millions.
The British occupy Palestine.
Paris Peace Conference writes Treaty of Versailles that punishes Germany.
January 21: Irish War of Independence begins.
June 28: The Treaty of Versailles redraws European borders.
August 11: German Revolution ends with the collapse of the German Empire and the establishment of the Weimar Republic.
107 B St
South Boston Massachusetts
John O'Malley Head of household 30 years old
Patrick son 5
Bridget daughter 3
Matthew son 7 months
Joseph Connolly boarder
Patrick Hernon (?) boarder
Michael boarder
January 10: League of Nations founded.
January 17: Prohibition in the United States begins.
Russian famine of 1921–1922 begins.
March 4: Warren G. Harding is inaugurated as President of the United States.
July 29: Adolf Hitler becomes Führer of the Nazi Party as hyperinflation in the Weimar Republic begins.
November 9: The Italian National Fascist Party is established by Benito Mussolini.
February 2: James Joyce publishes Ulysses.
June 28: The Irish Civil War begins.
December 6: Irish Free State is established, while the Province of Northern Ireland is created within The United Kingdom.
December 30: The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR), Communist state, is formed.
May 24: The Irish Civil War ends.
August 2: Death of Warren G. Harding; Vice President Calvin Coolidge assumes office as President of the United States.
January 21: Death of Vladimir Lenin triggers power struggle between Leon Trotsky & Joseph Stalin.
May 24: Immigration Act of 1924 significantly restricts immigration from Asia, the Middle East, and Southern Europe to USA.
March – April: First televisual image introduced by John Logie Baird.
July 18: Hitler's Mein Kampf is published.
May 12 – 14: May Coup in Poland.
June 19: National Broadcasting Company (NBC) founded in New York City.
1927 World population reaches two billion.
May 13: The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland officially becomes the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.
May 20 – 21: Charles Lindbergh performs the first nonstop flight from New York City to Paris
October 4: Mount Rushmore construction begins in South Dakota, U.S.
November 12: Soviet general secretary Joseph Stalin becomes dictator of the Soviet Union.
September 3: Accidental rediscovery of penicillin by Alexander Fleming.
November 14: Afghan Civil War (1928–1929) begins.
February 11: Pope Pius XI signs the Lateran Treaty with Italian leader Benito Mussolini, after which the Vatican City is recognised as a sovereign state.
February 14: Saint Valentine's Day Massacre, the murder of seven members and associates of Chicago's North Side Gang.
March 4: Herbert Hoover is inaugurated as President of the United States.
October 24 – 29: Wall Street Crash of 1929 and the beginning of the Great Depression.
116 Third St
South Boston Massachusetts
John O'Malley Head of household 42 years old
Bridget O'Malley wife 42
Patrick son 14
Bridget daughter 13
Matthew son 10
John son
Bartley Connolly bro-in-law 35
*Mary Ellen was born April 13 1912, died April 23 1913
February 18: Clyde Tombaugh discovers Pluto.
September 14: Aided by the Great Depression, the Nazi Party increases its share of the vote
March 3: "The Star-Spangled Banner" is adopted as the United States's national anthem.
June: Floods in China kill up to 2.5 million people.
September: Japan invades Manchuria, part of the chain of events leading to the start of World War II.
March 1: Lindbergh kidnapping.
March 9: Éamon de Valera becomes Prime Minister of the Irish Free State.
January 30: Adolf Hitler becomes Chancellor of Germany.
March 4: Franklin D. Roosevelt is inaugurated as President of the United States
December 5: Prohibition in the United States is abolished.
May 23: Bonnie and Clyde are shot to death in a police ambush.
August 2: With the death of Paul von Hindenburg, Hitler declares himself Führer of Germany.
July 17: Beginning of the Spanish Civil War.
September 7: "Benjamin", the last known thylacine, dies in Hobart Zoo.
Great Purge begins under Stalin.
1936–1939 Arab revolt in Palestine against the British begins to oppose Jewish immigration.
May 28: Neville Chamberlain becomes Prime Minister of the United Kingdom.
July 7: Japanese invasion of China, and the beginning of World War II in the Far East.
The Irish Republican Army attempts to assassinate King George VI.
April 18: DC Comics hero Superman has its first appearance.
September 30: Munich Agreement hands Czechoslovakia to Nazi Germany.
November 9 – 10: Kristallnacht, a pogrom of over 90 Jews in Germany.
March 2: Pius XII becomes Pope.
April 1: End of Spanish Civil War; Francisco Franco becomes dictator of Spain.
August 23: The Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact between Germany and the Soviet Union.
August 25: Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer releases The Wizard of Oz.
September 1 – October: Nazi invasion of Poland triggers World War II in Europe. Soviet invasion of Poland begins 16 days later.
116 Third St
South Boston Massachusetts
John O'Malley Head of household 52 years old
Bridget O'Malley wife 47
Patrick son 25
Bridget daughter 22
Matthew son 20
John son 14
Bartley Connolly bro-in-law 37
James Connolly Head of Household 43
Matthew son 19
Michael son 17
Teresa daughter 15
John son 12
James Connolly, Nana's brother was married to Ann O'Malley, my grandfather's sister. Ann died in 1924
US Census 1920
population 106,021,53
US Census 1930
population 122,775,046
US Census 1940
population 132,164,569
May 10: Winston Churchill becomes Prime Minister of the United Kingdom.
September 7: The Blitz, a German bombing campaign against the United Kingdom, begins.
June – December: Hitler commences the Nazi invasion of the Soviet Union.
October: Operation Reinhard commences the main phase of The Holocaust.
December 7: The Japanese Attack on Pearl Harbor leads to the USA joining World War II.
June 4 – 7: Battle of Midway.
August: Battle of Stalingrad and Guadalcanal Campaign begin.
Internment of Japanese-American citizens in the US begins.
The Manhattan Project begins.
February: Battle of Stalingrad ends with over 2 million casualties and the retreat of the German Army.
November – December: Tehran Conference between Franklin Roosevelt, Winston Churchill and Joseph Stalin agrees to launch Operation Overlord.
January 27: The Siege of Leningrad ends with Soviet victory after over a million deaths.
June 6: D-Day landings in Normandy.
June – August: Soviet forces launch Operation Bagration on the Eastern Front, the biggest defeat in German military history.
February 4 – 11: Yalta Conference.
February 13 – 15: Allied bombing of Dresden.
March – July: Battle of Okinawa.
April 12: Death of Franklin D. Roosevelt; Vice President Harry Truman assumes office as President
April 28: Execution of Benito Mussolini.
April 30: The Suicide of Adolf Hitler in Berlin as Nazi Germany collapses.
May: End of World War II in Europe.
The Holocaust ends after ~12 million deaths, including 6 million Jews.
August 6 – 9: Harry S. Truman orders the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
August 15: Victory over Japan Day.
June 2: Italy becomes a republic.
July 4: The Treaty of Manila declares Philippines independent.
September 30 – October 1: Nuremberg trials end.
March 12: Harry Truman establishes the Truman Doctrine of containment of Communism.
April 15: Jackie Robinson becomes the first African American to play modern Major League Baseball.
January 30: Assassination of Mahatma Gandhi.
April 3: The Marshall Plan, an American initiative for foreign aid of $13 billion to 16 Western European countries, comes into effect.
April 7: The World Health Organization (WHO) founded.
May 14: United Nations establishes Israeli Independence, the formation of the official State of Israel.
May 15: The Arab–Israeli War begins.
August – September: Division of North and South Korea.
March 10: The Arab–Israeli War ends.
April 4: The Creation of NATO.
May 12: Berlin Blockade ends.
May 23: Creation of NATO-backed Federal Republic of Germany (West Germany).
June 8: George Orwell publishes Nineteen Eighty-Four.
116 Third St
South Boston Massachusetts
Bridget O'Malley Head of household 65 years old
Bridget daughter 32
Matthew son 30
John son 25
my grandfather, John O'Malley died May 23 1937
US Census 1910
population 92,228,496