John O'Malley
(Seán Mhaitéis Mhóir Ó Máille) 
from the village of Doirin Dorach. County Galway
  Birth: April 4, 1875 
  Immigrated: May 12th 1900
  Married: January 10th, 1904 
  Naturalization: November 28th, 1921
  Died: May 23, 1937
remains of John O'Malley home from road
interior front (facing road)
interior rear
 Tigh Mhaitéis Mhóir Ó Máille 
(Mhaitéis Mhóir Ó Máille House)

1901 Irish Census description of house 43 in Teeranea:
The house had a thatched roof, with one window in the front and two rooms for nine people.
Grandfather John O'Malley
on 3rd St South Boston 1930's
National Archives, Waltham Ma.

John O'Malley's Certificate No 1594795 Petition No 59093
Summary of the Petition for Naturalization November 28th, 1921
Height listed as 5' 10" (was much taller)
Weight: 170lbs
Hair: brown
Eyes: brown
Birthday is listed as May 12th 1877,
actual birthday is April 4th, 1875. 
He adopted May 12th, the day he arrived in America. 
In the Oath of Alligence to his new country he had to: "renounce and abjure all alliegence and fidelity to George V, King of Great Britan and Ireland
King George V
John O'Malley 
Military Registration card
Great War (WWI)
SS Hibernia

Grandfather John O'Malley left Ireland on Thursday April 26th, 1900. 
Arrived in Boston 16 days later on Saturday May 12th, 1900 

John O'Malley obituary
May 23, 1937 (age 62)

New Calvary Cemetery Boston
Section 20 plot 688
John -May 23, 1937
Bridget -December 11, 1968
Bridget -(daughter) March 4, 1999